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2016-04-11 04:27:42

A law firm long hair ●●●●●●e Watson’s ●●●●●● has been ●●●●●●y ●●●●●●ted by the ●●●●●●lar fever that she ●●●●●●cted some time ●●●●●● the A●●●●●●ian Open, ●●●●●●gh the ●●●●●●s was not ●●●●●●sed until March. She has ●●●●●● only 24 ●●●●●●s this year to Halep’s 53, which may help to ●●●●●●n why she ●●●●●●ed ●●●●●●ally in the final set. Cramps in her ●●●●●● ●●●●●●ted her from ●●●●●●ng to the last ball with her usual ●●●●●●ude.